Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Ancillary Task experiment (A2)

Originally, we were going to do a digi-pack and a magazine advert for our ancillary tasks. However, when doing some research for our ancillary tasks we were advised to look at a website called 'Wix' where people can make websites for basically anything. So we are currently experimenting with homepage templates on the website, to see if we would prefer to do this ancillary task instead of a magazine advert.

This is one of the templates that I quite liked the look of, and so have started to 'play' around with the editing features, to plan and research the different aspects that I can change on the website. Below is the practise/experimental piece I have created from the 'Wix' website (which is currently very basic), it is very 'girly' at the moment however, it links well with the song and the actress' personality. It includes aspects such as, social networking links which we will ensure link to a specific facebook and twitter page for our media, if we do create a website homepage for one of our ancillary tasks. It also has the 'download on iTunes' logo and if we use the website, we will have the song playing when the website is opened.

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