Monday, 1 July 2013

Magazine advert!

Now we have finised the filming for our preliminary piece and are half way through the editing, we are now going to create the magazine advert to go with it. We have been on the internet to look at the typical magazine advert so we can get some ideas from it. After researching magazine covers and single covers, we have recognised that there is necessary synergy between the two as you will see with the magazine cover here. This is a photo off google with the usual things that are on a magazine advert for a single, it also includes the things that stand out e.g. a photo of the singer which covers the whole magazine cover to make it stand out and so her 'fans' will see it straight away and notice it. This also means that they can pass it round as 'word of mouth' so that people know the single is coming out if they don't see the advert. The font in the advert shows continuity as it is all the same colour and the same font, however the name of the singer is larger, this means that it will catch peoples eyes. Following on from this, there is another picture of the actual single cover in the corner of the advert, which means that when people go to buy it in a store they know what to look for and will be able to find it straight away. Another part of a magazine advert is the music industries that work with the band or singer and also the name of the single, so that people can listen to a part of the song on itunes before they buy it. As you can see the single cover links well with the magazine advert with the font, colours and the positioning of the singer in the middle of the cover and advert.

Below is our work in progess of our magazine cover, we hope to carry on building on this and make sure that there is a synergy between our CD single cover and the magazine advert. This will create continuity throughout our preliminary piece. As you can see the font colours and the font itself are the same as our CD cover if you look back at my previous blog posts. It also has the same photo as the CD single which shows the continuity within our preliminary piece. We also have included a record label at the top, and the itunes logo at the bottom, which shows that you can buy the single off of itunes. The release date is in the centre of the magazine advert which stands out the most as it is also a totally different colour to the rest of the advert including the font colour. I think that the advert is effectively utilising for the pop genre as it highlights the certain aspects that are usually included in a pop advert including bright colours and a bright, light photo with a picture of the band members covering the whole advert.

All we need to do now is finish editing our preliminary piece and create an evaluation. This will not take much longer and we hope to have finished by the end of this week or the start of next week so that we can focus on getting ideas for our coursework next year! :)

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