Monday, 8 July 2013


As we have now completed the preliminary piece, we have suggested some improvements that could have been made and that we will remember for next year when we make the real music video. Below is a photo of the final piece and the magazine cover.
In my opinion, I think that the font and the colour of the title and the release date could be more modern. This is because it doesnt really relate to the genre of pop and the yellow colour does not relate to the other colours on the magazine cover and the CD cover below. However I think that the photo goes well with the pop genre and the itunes logo shows that the single is modern and relates to teenagers.

I think we did very well on the cd cover, and as you can see the spines work well with the synergy between the cd cover and the magazine. The bar code shows that people can buy it in a store, and the photo of the boys shows that it is a pop song as it links with that genre. Next time we could improve on keeping the name the same as the original artist, however we did not know that we had to keep this the same when creating the preliminary piece. We also had to squash the picture onto the cover, which made the boys look squashed and not in proportion, which we will take into consideration when we do the real thing.

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