Friday, 28 June 2013


I've not been able to post for the last couple of days as we have been extremely busy and haven't had the time to get to a computer/laptop! But for the past week we've been filming for our preliminary piece and have completed all the filming stage in two days. As the piece only needed to be a minute long, it was quite easy to do quickly yet efficiently. Using the song 'lets get ready to rhumble' it ensured that we could get specific iconography to link with the original music video, and also link with the genre of the piece. As the song is in the pop genre we have used specific items of clothing to link with this, including baggy shorts and bandanas. This shows that the pop genre is quite quirky and is obviously different from other genres of music. The use of the two boys in the filming clearly shows the concept of the two boys 'Pj and Duncan' in the original music video of 'let's get ready to rhumble'. We found the location of the preliminary piece hard to work with, as we had to do it in school and every part of our school is the same, this meant we struggled to get the variety of shots from this. However, we gave our best and believed it went extreamly well because we could work well together as a team. Towards the end of our preliminary piece, we added a few more people into the video to show that pop music is 'encouraging' and typically makes people want to get up and dance.  These people included myself, Alice (another member of the group) and two of our friends Rob and Ria who just happened to be around at the time of filming. Having these other people in the piece helped the other members of the group to be involved while the other person (Amy) filmed it. We very much enjoyed filming the preliminary piece and cannot wait to start filming for our real coursework in September! 

Below is a couple of photos from when we filmed our preliminary piece :-) 

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