Friday, 4 April 2014


To view some of the evaluation questions, you may need to click 'view content' and then zoom in, especially for question 3.

Evaluation Question 4

We worked collaboratively together with the evaluation questions, and it involves aspects of GIFS etc. Therefore, we had decided to keep it on Amy's blog so that we haven't got to upload everything from scratch. A link to Amy's blog is below to view Evaluation Question 4:

Monday, 24 March 2014

A2 Music Video

This is the completed music video, please view in HD as it seems to be 'jumpy' and is not a good quality in any other views. 

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Ancillary (1) - Digi Pack components

Below are all the different parts of the digi-pack that we just need to print out and put together to create the actual digi-pack:

This is the back cover of the digi back including the spines.

This is one of the inserts for the digi-pack.

Here is the back cover of the insert, including social media sites, and also the front cover for the digi-pack.
This is another double page of the insert.

We decided to add a 'thank you's' page to add to the effect of a digi-pack.